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About Us


Creekside was one of 76 schools in the entire state with 75% or more of their students proficient on the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) English Language Arts (ELA) portion of the test in the spring of 2019. Creekside ranked #74 in the state with 78% of our 3rd and 4th graders being proficient on the annual M-STEP ELA test. Congratulations to our students and  teachers for their hard work. The Creekside staff is regularly involved in professional development work designed to build our teaching capacity.
students writing on desks for class students doing math in chalk outside students learning sign language

Parent Involvement

The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at Creekside Elementary is a great way for parents to be supportive and involved in their child’s elementary experience. Some of the events and activities put on by the Creekside PTO include the Fall Fun Run, Welcome Back Picnic, Spirit Wear Sales, Book Fairs, Holiday Shop in December, Spring Family Fun Night, Popcorn Fridays, Field Day and various fundraising efforts that provide so much for students and staff. The PTO meets monthly and is always looking for volunteers and ways to support our school.
moms with students fun run  parents visiting students at school coloring

Social Emotional Learning

In addition to our high expectations and constant focus on academics at Creekside, the Creekside staff also works to embed Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) into our classrooms and curriculum. The staff and students work diligently to create and maintain common expectations in all areas of the building, to each other and others, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. We have a full-time social worker who works with students and staff on SEL development, peer-to-peer leadership groups, in addition to teaching mindfulness techniques in our classrooms.
Sensei teaching students students in rock garden Sensei teaching students

Field Trips & Assemblies

Students get to enjoy a number of fun and educational field trips and assemblies throughout their time at Creekside Elementary. Some of these engaging learning opportunities include field trips to Mackinaw Island, Michigan State Capital, Village of Hartland Tour, Greenfield Village Trip, Spicer’s Apple Orchard, Encore Youth Plays. The school and staff welcome a variety of presenters to the building including authors, illustrators, Art to Remember, Hartland High School Band, Rockin Readers from Ore Creek, and various presenters associated with college and career options.
field trip to mackinac students with firetruck  field trip to hands on museum

Essentials Instruction

All students benefit greatly from our three essentials classes.  We have amazing Art, Music, Library/Computers and Physical Education instruction by outstanding teachers. Students learn the joy and value of the arts and their importance in our community.
student in art class students in gym in a circle students in music singing

Highly Capable Program

The Creekside Cluster program, known as the Creekside Crusaders, affords our highly capable students exciting and engaging hands on activities. We have a lead teacher and a wonderful group of parent volunteers who work very hard to provide these enrichment activities once a month throughout the school year. Some of the topics of study include DNA studies, computer coding and forensics.
students listening to teacher students balancing dice on a stick students doing team building exercise

Michigan Green School

As part of Michigan’s Green School program, Creekside has been awarded the highest status as an Evergreen School for several years due to our dedication to practices that promote conservation and preservation of our environment. Included in these practices is our 4th grade recycling group. The staff and students are committed to limiting waste and reusing scrap paper whenever possible.
students recycling 4th grade recycling team Michigan green schools logo